
VR&E Facebook Group

Get Intro Voc Rehab Videos

If you are here, you are probably a member of our Facebook Group called Disabled Veterans - Chapter 31 Voc Rehab or from my website DisabledVeterans.org

Either way you got here, Yay! Pat yourself on the back.

This set of videos may be your first step toward a new career, advanced training, or self-employment benefits from VA Veteran Readiness & Employment (formerly Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment). Once you are done with these short lessons, you can then move on to other guides or courses.

These resources, both free and low cost, can help you navigate the murky world of VA benefits and health care and more. For now, if you want to access the videos, please click the button to roll on.


This videos gives you insight like:

An overview of the resources you need to know.
Information on how Voc Rehab works.
What you can achieve using Voc Rehab...
Login or Sign-up for access.
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